Medication Management
Proper medication management is important for several reasons. If together, we decide that medications are right for you we will:
Personalize your care. While the medications we prescribe are well-researched and mostly FDA approved, people still tend to have varying responses. It is very important that you find a provider who understands your concerns and thinks outside of the traditional textbook teaching, when safe and appropriate.
Optimize your treatment plan. This means adjusting medications and dosing as necessary to ensure you are prescribed a safe and effective dose to obtain relief from your symptoms.
Minimize side effects. Unfortunately, all medications have side effects. Some, however, can be used to our advantage. For example, some antidepressant medications can also help alleviate pain symptoms. Some medications for your mood can also help you sleep better, gain, or lose weight, etc. Within medication categories, not all are created equal. We will listen to you and make the necessary adjustments to help you feel better.
Take a holistic approach. While we practice modern Western medicine we understand there are many other helpful supplemental treatments aside from prescription medications. We will support you and explore these together as some of these therapies can interact with prescription medications.
We also believe in the power of exercise, mind-body techniques, and a healthy diet with nutritional supplements. We recommend exercise for everyone, at all ages and depending on your condition, we can tailor a plan to your unique needs. There is a great deal of quality research that demonstrates how exercise can increase the release of natural endorphins to help your mood, reduce stress, improve sleep, and more.